( مرحلة ما قبل رياض الأطفالEarly Learning Activities
Simple written directions supported
by visual cues help foster
independent practise for students.
Repeated practise helps ensure
mastery. Gradual progression of
difficulty helps build success and
independence for students.
It is divided into four sections:
Following directions, Colour
and Learn, Cut and Paste and
Beauty and the Beast
60,00 EGPسلسة Timeless Tales
هذه السلسلة مرسومة بشكل جميل ومروية بشكل ممتع ، وهي تأخذ القراء الصغار إلى أرض الجنيات والملوك والملكات والأمراء.
السلسة مكونة من 11 كتاب
British English Literature Reader (4)
Let Us Learn British English (4) is
an innovative addition to your child’s
knowledge consisting of: Main Course
Book, Workbook and Literature Reader.
The three books use an innovative
‹Learning Cycle› methodology for
gradually and consistently entrenching
reading, writing, speaking, listening
and lexicon skills in children. Learning
cycles use visual, auditory and
kinaesthetic modes of presenting
information to generate a favorable
learning response from the children
British English Main Course Book (3)
Let Us Learn British English (3) is
an innovative addition to your child’s
knowledge consisting of: Main Course
Book, Workbook and Literature Reader.
The three books use an innovative
‹Learning Cycle› methodology for
gradually and consistently entrenching
reading, writing, speaking, listening
and lexicon skills in children. Learning
cycles use visual, auditory and
kinaesthetic modes of presenting
information to generate a favorable
learning response from the children.
British English Main Course Book (4)
Let Us Learn British English (4) is
an innovative addition to your child’s
knowledge consisting of: Main Course
Book, Workbook and Literature Reader.
The three books use an innovative
‹Learning Cycle› methodology for
gradually and consistently entrenching
reading, writing, speaking, listening
and lexicon skills in children. Learning
cycles use visual, auditory and
kinaesthetic modes of presenting
information to generate a favorable
learning response from the children