200,00 EGPThe novel celebrates the technological advances of the industrial revolution. The primary modes of transport used by “Fogg” and his company-the train and the steamer-were all offshoots of these advancement. As a matter of fact, the wager of “Fogg” originated from the result of a fairly recent development (in reference to the story’s period) -the opening of a new railway station in India which, according to The Daily Telegraph, made it possible to travel around the world in 80 days.
450,00 EGPThis novel is an interesting story of how misunderstood love may turn out to be. Due to misconceptions about love, coupled with insensitivity and static mindset, “Emma” does not seem to understand other people. Hers is a selfish ambition of a perfect matchmaker. However, she fails utterly in matchmaking relationships that never came to be. If only “Emma” were dynamic, she would have realized that this life does not depend entirely on one’s opinions; it is wise to listen; heed advice and change with changing times; that is, be dynamic.
Great Expectations
500,00 EGPWhile living with his abusive sister and her genial husband, the novel’s protagonist “Pip Pirrip” briefly encounters and assists an escaped convict, “Abel Magwitch”. When the boy is summoned to the mysterious ‘Satis’ House by reclusive “Miss Havisham”, he falls in love with her cold-hearted ward, “Estella”. “Pip” aspires to social advancement, and assumes the eccentric old lady is his sponsor. Reunited with “Magwitch”, he becomes conscious of darkness at the heart of his supposed rise in fortunes. The novel is a Bildungsroman, tracing the development of its protagonist. Ultimately, the protagonist’s – Pip – values are shattered, as he reassesses the meaning of being a ‘gentleman’.
250,00 EGPThe book is divided to three parts: Sowing, Reaping and Garnering. “Thomas Gradgrind” runs a school of hard fact in the industrial city of Coketown. He happens to see his children, “Louisa” and “Tom”, peering into a circus in direct opposition to his views on things of fancy.
150,00 EGPThe play is distinctively unique in its structure. Considering that the climax takes place in Act Three, it actually initiates when the king divides the kingdom between his ungrateful daughters and where the conflict among the daughters is exposed. The change of the traditional Shakespearean structure is meant to shed light on the impact of the foolish decision that the king makes to divide his kingdom, providing a full picture of the disastrous consequences of such a decision
Oliver Twist
425,00 EGPOliver”, an orphan since birth, spends much of his childhood at a ‘child farm’ (orphanage) with too many children and too little food. The farm is located roughly 70 miles outside London. One night, after being served his portion of gruel, “Oliver” asks for a second helping. This is unacceptable, and “Oliver” is sent to work as an apprentice to an undertaker
225,00 EGPThe novel opens with the vain “Sir Walter”, baronet of Kellynch Hall, poring over the Elliot family history. His wife passed away fourteen years ago, leaving behind three daughters: the youngest daughter, “Mary”, is married to the wealthy “Charles Musgrove”. Proud and beautiful “Elizabeth” is the eldest and her father’s favorite; “Anne” is gentle and sweet, but often overlooked by her father and sister. Their mother’s best friend, “Lady Russell”, helped “Sir Walter” raise his children.
Pride and Prejudice
350,00 EGPPride and Prejudice
Jane Austen
This story chronicles the fortunes of the five Bennet sisters and their marital prospects. Pride and Prejudice opens with the most famous line in the English literature which is: “It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife.” This is typical of Austen’s authorial voice, which she uses to comment wryly on the conduct of her characters, and indeed on the values of society itself.
Pride and Prejudice with its wit, social precision and irresistible heroine, has proved to be one of the most popular novels in the English language.
اسباب موت شكسبير
110,00 EGPأسباب موت شكسبير
مات شكسبير – هكذا أسميته ، ربما لأني أحب هذا الأديب العظيم وأريد شيئا يذكرني به دائما… وبموته برزت المشاكل على السطح من جديد…. بعد قليل ستصحو – إنجي ابنتي ذات الخمس سنوات، وكعادتها ستتجه من فورها نحو البلكونة … ماذا سيحدث حينما لن تجده… ستكون حتما كارثة…. أخرجته من القفص، وضعته في كيس صغير ثم نزلت به إلى الشارع ….. حضرت له حفرة صغيرة يمين البوابة … وضعته فيها ثم ردمت فوقه التراب…. ماذا سأقول للصغيرة …؟ هل من العقل أن أقول لها مات…؟ وهل تعرف ابنة الخامسة ما الموت؟ ولمن يأتي وكيف يأتي ولماذا يأتي ….؟
الثانية عشرة ليلا( الطبعة الثانية)
100,00 EGPالحياة لاتستقيم إلا بالعقل، و النجاح حليفه العقل وليس القلب، فالحب و العشق مجرد كلام ووهم نخدع به أنفسنا.
الثعابين لاتعرف النوم
140,00 EGPكانت العصابة وزعيمها الأكبر الكينج تقوم باتصالات مع فرع المنظمة في الكويت لتسأل عن مشاري» وهل لهم صلة بهذا الشاب أم إنه مجرد طالب كويتي، جاء ليدرس في مصر أو سائح عربي أتت به الصدفة لكل هذه الأمور.. وكانت المفاجأة أن المنظمة تعرفه جيدا وحذرت العصابة في مصر منه أشد التحذير، وقالوا إنه شخص عنيد ومقاتل شرس لا يترك ثأره أبدا، فإذا كان ما زال على قيد الحياة فإنه ولا شك سيحاول الثأر لنفسه وصديقه. وأنه كان يقاتل في البوسنة ولديه مهارات قتالية عالية جدا. كما أنه تاجر معهم في المخدرات فترة بعد عودته من حرب البوسنة. وكان أيضًا من أكبر مهربي السلاح في الشرق الأوسط وبعد وفاة زوجته